Sunday, September 07, 2003
Brayder's JackFlash and Palm Zire71
All this while I thought the Zire71 has a non flash ROM. Well, I learned that there were two versions of Zire71... the US version has non flashable ROM and only has English Language support. The Zire71' s for the international/multi-language market does come with Flash ROM. More on the Zire71 Flash ROM here.
The latest version of JackFlash, JackFlash 3.0b10, have support for Zire71.
I just downloaded JackFlash and now have additional 2MB of memory. I moved AgendusPro to ROM, Memo Plus and a few other programs, and I still have 740K free Flash.
posted by
Mohd Nazley Fadhley at
9:07 AM |
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