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Friday, July 11, 2003

Sony Clie TW-20 ... A Fake.

It was brought to my attention that the Clie TW-20 is a fake. Someone is brushing up his/her photoshop skills. A good one though in my opinion.
(I knew it was too good to be true)

Check out the thread at cliesource forum

I qoute the posting made by the prankster...

"I for one, never will have any sort of contact with a real Sony guy so I thought.... what the heck, only once. I like making near flawless pranks, however the camera did give it away (among other things pointed out!)

Sorry if I caused some people emotional distress, but that was a risk I was willing to take to FOOOOOL YOU... ehm sorry

It took me 2 days to make the final version of the TW20 that you saw there, first day basically was done, just had a crappy 4 button thing that was missing the UP/DOWN thing so I just stole it from another Clie...

The CLIE logo next to the menu was supposed to be part of the background, I really didn't think of stretching the menu *whoops*

PS. IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN A GRAPHICS DESIGNER, You know whom to call (and it's not Ghostbusters) "

Well .... until the "true" one comes about, we can still dream.

For the fun of it .... This is the pic that gave it all away

posted by Mohd Nazley Fadhley at 9:44 AM | permalink |